Robi Comb, V-Comb, and Nix Comb Comparison: Electric Lice Comb Review
Read the full review of the most popular electric and electronic lice combs on the market.
I've heard about electric lice combs that zap lice, which one is the best?
Answer from a Lice Expert:
If you have tried other treatments that have failed, you are not alone, and it’s not your fault. The latest stats say that most parents that use over-the-counter kits still have lice even after multiple treatments!
After no success with lice kits, some turn to electric to electronic lice combs. So, in this article I'm going to cover the most popular electric combs on the market and which I recommend and don't recommend.
Let me introduce myself...
Hi there! I'm Theresa, I'm a lice expert, lice coach, and Registered Nurse. I help people with lice every day! You can get rid of lice in ONE DAY at home by using the same proven professional technique that I use in my lice center.
Just follow the step-by-step videos and be done with lice by the end of the day.
Electric Lice Comb Review
Why Is It So Hard to Get Rid of Lice?
Now that you know what you're looking for I want to talk briefly about your biggest worry (that your child actually has lice) and the question I get asked by parents around the world that have been battling lice….
Parents around the world are all asking me the same question…. "Why is it so much harder to get rid of lice now?"
Lice have become immune to everything that used to work in the past. Perhaps you remember your mom using a typical lice treatment or mayonnaise and that doing the trick. The new strain of head lice is no longer killed by those treatments, that’s why lice today are termed by people, “super lice,” because they are immune to those treatments.
I’ve cured thousands of people of lice in my lice center and let me tell you, I don't do it with over-the-counter lice treatments.
Most people struggle with lice because they focus all of their attention on killing lice bugs and not enough attention on GETTING RID OF LICE!
If you want to get rid of lice you have to address all 3 of the problems of lice:
- Lice Bugs
- Lice Eggs
- Getting Lice Back
The best way to get rid of lice is to tackle all 3 of these problems at the same time, which is what I teach in my step-by-step video system.
So, if you discover your child HAS lice, don't panic. Just head over to the video system. Follow along with the videos and you'll be done with lice by the end of the day.
Electric Lice Combs & The Never-Ending Cycle
Most people that use electric lice combs get caught in the horrible "Never-Ending Cycle of Lice"
First- You Have Lice
When you first discover lice you have adult lice bugs, baby lice bugs, and lice eggs (also known as nits)
You Think You've Gotten Rid of It.
After using an over-the-counter treatment or a home remedy, people think they've taken care of the problem because they aren't finding lice bugs for a while.
But the bigger problem is the lice eggs that are left in the hair. Lice kits and home remedies don't kill eggs, and each of those little lice eggs has a bug inside just waiting to hatch and re-infest your child again.
Then- Those Eggs HATCH!
Just like lice eggs are tiny, when lice first hatch they are teeny-tiny. In fact, they are almost invisible to the naked eye! So, it typically takes a few weeks for them to grow big enough for you to see them.
And by the time you notice your head is infested all over again!
And Lice Is Back Again!
How to Avoid the Never-Ending Cycle
If you want to avoid this never-ending cycle and get rid of lice fast then check out my Step-by-Step Video System. Follow along with the videos and you can be completely done with lice in ONE DAY, no retreatments necessary.
Electric Lice Comb
Metal Lice Comb
If you plan to purchase an electric lice comb, this article contains a full review of the most popular electric lice combs: V-Comb, RobiComb, and the Nix Electronic Comb. Each comb is explained in detail below.
Before you go out and purchase an electric lice comb, assuming it is superior to professional metal lice combs, read on…
Most people assume that the more “high-tech” (or expensive) a lice comb is, the better it is at getting rid of lice. The simple truth is that the metal lice combs in my article 5 Best Lice Combs that Get Rid of Lice Eggs outperform all of these electric lice combs. Here’s why…
When people can’t get rid of lice, it is because they are battling two problems:
- They are using an ineffective lice product that does not truly kill adult lice. (To find an effective and non-toxic product, you can read my article here.
- They fail to remove all of the lice eggs from the hair. Regardless of what lice treatments say on the box about “killing lice eggs,” nits left in the hair will inevitably hatch, and within a few weeks, you or your child will have a full blown lice infestation all over again.
If you fail to remove every single lice egg from the hair, you will find yourself trapped in the endless lice cycle.
Are Electric Lice Combs Better?
Just so you know... METAL COMBS are far superior to electric combs. For several reasons:
#1- A good metal lice comb is better at removing lice eggs and nits.
#2- You can use a metal lice comb on wet hair, whereas the hair must be dry for an electric lice comb.
I don't typically recommend electric combs. But people often ask about electric combs, which is why I wrote this article. If you want to find a good lice comb then check out my other article on the 5 Best Lice Combs.
Electric Lice Comb
Quick Guide -
For those in a hurry
If you’re in a hurry to purchase an electric lice comb, here is my quick guide. You can click on any comb and buy straight from Amazon (a quick disclosure: these are affiliate links, and I do earn a commission from qualifying purchases; however, all of my reviews are based on the quality of these products, and the decision to purchase through these links is completely up to you).
#1 - V-Comb (Lice Vacuum Comb)
Vacuums live lice and lice eggs into a mesh bag. An LED light shines into the bag enabling you to see if any lice have been vacuumed up. Lice are contained and easy to discard. Great for lice checks on multiple people and comes with a cleaning tool. (Read the full review)
#2 - LiceGuard RobiComb Electric Head Lice Comb
Uses a small electric pulse to zap lice with a low energy charge. Humming indicator alerts you to when you zap a bug! (Read the full review here)
#3 - Nix Electronic Lice Comb
Emits a low electrical charge intended to kill lice on contact. When turned on and ready to use, the comb’s green light will illuminate. The red light shines when you have come into contact with a bug. (Check out the full review)
But...before you go out and buy an electric lice comb, I highly recommend you read Electric Lice Combs vs. Metal Lice Combs--Which is Better? You will be shocked about which combs actually perform best!
Full Article and Review of Electric Lice Combs
The only way to get yourself out of this cycle is to use an effective lice treatment that actually kills adult lice and to remove every single lice egg from the hair.
The fastest, easiest, and most effective way to get rid of lice eggs is with a professional level head lice comb, such as the combs in my article, 5 Best Head Lice Combs. The very best of these combs is the Nit Free Terminator Comb. It outperforms every other lice comb out there, including electric combs.
So, you may be asking, when is it better to use an electric comb or a metal comb?
Electric vs Metal
5 things to know
#1- For Checking a Crowd
An electric comb can be used for checking large quantities of people for lice quickly.
An electric comb would be ideal for lice checks for camp, daycare, or school. Using an electric comb like the V-Comb, you can check multiple children quickly and accurately for lice. Instead of spending long periods of time searching for lice eggs, you can run the V-Comb through each kid’s hair a few times, and your lice check is complete.
#2- Is Your Focus to Get Rid of Lice?
If your goal is to truly get rid of lice eggs once and for all, then metal lice combs are significantly better.
Even though electric combs seem fancy and high-tech, their focus is on vacuuming or electrocuting lice bugs, not removing lice eggs. The Robi Comb also claims to zap lice eggs, but in my experience, it does not prevent them from hatching. Zapping and vacuuming lice with an electric comb will give you some satisfaction, but you will be disappointed in the long term results if you neglect removing these nits and get stuck in the endless lice cycle.
To get rid of lice for good, you must remove each egg from the hair. Electric combs are not adequate for removing lice eggs. If you want to get rid of lice for good then check out my Step-by-Step Video System.
#3- Wet Hair is Better
Metal lice combs work well in wet, conditioned hair, whereas electric combs require dry hair.
Requiring dry hair for lice combing doesn't seem like a big deal, but it can definitely be exhausting if your child is screaming because you are raking a fine-toothed lice comb through her dry (and usually tangled) hair. Lice combing dry hair can be painful, especially for children with thick or curly hair or sensitive heads. My experience after working with different hair types is that it is easier (and less painful) to use a lice comb in wet, conditioned hair. Unfortunately, all electric lice combs require dry hair.
#4- You'll Spread Lice!
Beware… you are more likely to spread lice to yourself if using an electric lice comb on someone else.
Electric lice combs are meant to be an alternative to lice treatment products, but that means that you are combing LIVE LICE out of your child’s hair. The V-Comb vacuums them into a container, which is nice, but the electric combs “stun” them with an electrical shock. In my experience, the electrical zap does not always kill lice. Many lice I removed were still active and moving.
After you remove live lice from your child’s head, those lice will immediately begin searching for a new warm environment, and the person closest to them at that time is going to be their first choice--YOU! Once you’ve removed those live lice from another person, make sure they go down the drain or in the toilet so you don’t accidentally end up with lice yourself!
#5- There's a Better Way!
You can get rid of lice in one day!
Way too many struggle with lice for way too long. This is why I created the My Lice Advice Step-by-Step Video System. Just follow along with the videos and get rid of lice in one day.
Electric Lice Combs Review
The V-Comb (also known as the vacuum comb) is my top pick for electric lice combs. When combed through small sections of dry hair, it suctions up lice (still alive) and lice eggs into a small mesh bag. An LED light shines into the bag enabling you to see if any lice have been vacuumed up.
After you have finished combing, remove the bag filled with lice and lice eggs from the device, place the provided cap on it, and throw it in the garbage. The mesh bag keeps all the lice securely contained.
This comb can be used without any lice treatment product because it works on live, moving lice. The comb also comes with a cleaning tool so you can easily clean out any lice or nits that may be stuck in the comb after use.
I have used this comb multiple times, and the concept is a good one. There is something very satisfying about vacuuming up lice and even watching them squirm around a bit in the bag. My clients love to see what I’ve vacuumed up and it is rewarding to see how much progress you’ve made in becoming lice-free.
There are a few disadvantages to this comb, though...
While it is good at vacuuming up large, adult lice, it can miss very small baby lice (also called “nymphs”) and nits.
The comb also only works on dry hair. Combing through dry hair can be a painful experience, especially for kids with thick or curly hair.
I found it to be most effective when I used it in long hair because I could easily section the hair. It was more difficult to use in shorter hair because I could not section it as cleanly.
The V-Comb cannot be a one-time treatment. The instructions for the comb say to use daily for one to three days and then again on the seventh day to catch “newly hatched nymphs or new head lice.” You must be diligent in using this comb, otherwise you’ll end up stuck again in the endless lice cycle.
Electric combs like one can also seem pretty pricey at first, especially if you’re on a budget. However, compared to spending perhaps hundreds of dollars on next-to-useless lice treatment products, it is certainly a much better value for your money.
Be aware that the comb only comes with four non-reusable lice bag containers. If you plan to use the comb on multiple people, or daily for a few days as instructed, you will likely run out of bags. Fortunately, a package of eight replacement mesh bags is available on Amazon if you need them.
The V-Comb is a great way to check multiple people for lice quickly. Performing lice checks at school or camps with this comb is a breeze. Line the children up and simply run the V-Comb through a few sections of each kid’s hair. It is clear and easy to see if a child you’re checking has lice because you will see them in the translucent mesh bag.
The V-Comb is also a natural way to remove lice instead of using lice treatment or shampoo. If this approach is appealing to you, this may be a good comb for you. I highly recommend that you purchase a metal comb in addition for undoubtedly removing nits and nymphs that the V-Comb may leave behind. (Remember you can find my comparison on electric lice combs and metal lice combs above)
The high-tech Lice Guard Lice-Zapping Comb uses a small electric pulse to zap lice with a low energy charge. The vibration is supposed to kill or disable lice on contact and electrocute mature lice eggs.
Using a battery as its energy source, the comb emits a low humming noise when it is ready to use. You then comb through small sections of hair. When the comb comes in contact with lice or nits, it stops humming, the comb’s indication that it has zapped something.
After this happens, you clean out the comb with the tool provided. The comb will begin humming again, ready to use.
In my experience, I have not seen this comb literally kill a lice bug with this kind of shock. I’m not convinced that the zapping process does any harm to the lice, besides stunning them. While I know that this “zapping comb” sounds promising, it has some major disadvantages.
The lice zapping comb has a high “false positive” rate. This means that it will react to anything and everything in your hair, including dandruff, dirt, or lint. With this high false-positive rate, it is not even very good for lice checks because it may indicate that someone has lice when they really don’t. While that may not seem like a big deal, when it comes to your kid being allowed to go to camp or come to a school activity or not, you’d much rather know for sure who has lice and who doesn’t.
Additionally, having to clean out the comb every time it comes in contact with lice or nits (or the other stuff) is very time consuming. I had an experience where my comb zapped something (that didn’t end up being lice), and I couldn’t get it to start working again for a long time. I had to clean it, change the battery (even though it was brand new), and turn it on and off several times before it started working again.
It is also not effective at removing nits or nymphs. This comb is not a quick fix for lice. Using this comb is a weeks-long process. In the Robi Comb’s Directions for Use pamphlet, it says, “Comb infested hair daily for two weeks in order to detect and kill any new lice which have hatched since you began treatment.” So although the Robi Comb may zap everything, it does not prevent lice eggs from hatching. Anytime you leave lice eggs in the hair, the endless lice cycle continues.
This comb emits a low electrical charge intended to kill lice on contact. When turned on and ready to use, the comb’s green light illuminates. When the comb comes in contact with lice, the red light turns on, letting you know that you have zapped something.
After you have shocked lice, remove the comb from the head and clean it with the brush provided. Once cleaned, the green light will turn on, indicating it is again ready for use.
The comb also has a bright LED spotlight available to help you better find lice in the hair.
The comb’s website says it is “intended to remove and/or kill lice and nits.” My experience is that the electric charge does not actually kill lice or nits. It may stun them for a few seconds, giving you enough time to remove them from the comb, but they do not die.
This comb also has a high false-positive rate because it emits an electrical charge on things in the hair other than lice, such as grass, dirt, or lint.
It is also not effective at removing lice eggs or nymphs. Using this comb is a long process because the comb does not remove eggs from the hair. Nix recommends, “For maximum effectiveness, repeat the treatment every 2-3 days for 10 total days.” Again, anytime you leave lice eggs in the hair, the endless lice cycle continues.
V-Comb vs. Robi Comb vs. Nix Electronic Comb
If you choose to go with an electric lice comb...
Lice is horrible, and no one should have to endure it for months on end. And I hope you don't.
Many people go from lice kit to lice kit and from lice comb to lice comb hoping to find a solution. They think it's gone for a week or two, and then it comes back again.
I created the My Lice Advice Video System so you can avoid struggling with lice for months, instead, just follow along with the videos and be done with lice by the end of the day!
Summing It Up…
When comparing the Robi Comb, V-Comb, and Nix Electronic Comb side-by-side, there is no doubt that the V-Comb is the best electric lice comb out there. It vacuums lice into a disposable container that is easy to throw away, whereas the other electric lice combs only stun lice, and then you must manually remove and dispose of them.
Electric lice combs overall are not as good as professional metal combs, like the ones in our article 5 Best Lice Combs. These combs outperform all electric lice combs when it comes to removing lice eggs. If only a few nits stay in the hair, the endless lice cycle will continue and you’ll find yourself back at the beginning of this process.
If you want to get rid of lice quickly then follow along with my Step-by-Step Video System and get rid of it in ONE DAY.
All the best,
Theresa is a Registered Nurse and lice expert with years of experience curing children of lice. She owns a lice treatment center in the US which is where she perfected the Step-by-Step Video System proven to get rid of lice. She also works with government agencies and schools helping those with the worst head lice cases in America.
Her greatest passion is empowering parents by teaching parents online how to do a professional lice treatment on their child at home. She is the Lice Coach for the My Lice Advice Step-by-Step Video System.